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    £5.50 GBP
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    Opis produktu

    COTN Threads dostarcza wygodny zestaw elementów odprowadzających wilgoć do segmentu akcesoriów do odbudowy, prezentując zamykaną torebkę zawierającą 20 knotów z bawełny organicznej w wstępnie zwiniętej konfiguracji z plastikowym końcem rurki do gotowego do użycia zestawu. Etapy korzystania z nici COTN są niezwykle łatwe, co eliminuje czasochłonne kłopotliwe zwijanie knotów dzięki wykorzystaniu plastikowych końcówek rurek pasujących do każdej cewki. Nici COTN są idealne do odbudowywanych atomizerów, odbudowywanych zbiorników, atomizerów z dolnym zasilaniem.


    • 20 nici na worek
    • Torba podróżna z możliwością wielokrotnego zamykania
    • Bawełna klasy farmaceutycznej
    • Certyfikowana bawełna organiczna
    • Plastikowa końcówka rurki — łatwiejsza konfiguracja cewki
    • Zaprojektowany dla cewek o średnicy wewnętrznej 3 mm
    • Wyprodukowano w USA

    Kluczowe cechy

    Age Verification

    Verified With VerifyMyAge

    You must be over 18 to purchase this product. We have an effective and monitored age verification process provided by VerifyMyAge. We will not sell to persons that do not meet the age restrictions for this product and by continuing with this purchase you hereby consent to the processing of your personal data for age verification purposes.


    As an ecommerce store that specializes in selling e-cigarette products, Super E-cig is committed to ensuring that our products are only sold to individuals of legal smoking age. That's why we have partnered with Verify My Age, a trusted age verification service, to verify the age of our customers.
    Verify My Age is a leading age verification solution that utilizes advanced technology to verify the age of customers quickly and securely. Their robust system ensures that only individuals who are of legal smoking age can access and purchase our products.
    When you visit our website and attempt to make a purchase, you will be prompted to verify your age through Verify My Age. This process is quick and easy, and it helps us comply with legal requirements and protect underage individuals from accessing our products.
    We understand that age verification may add an extra step to the purchasing process, but it is a necessary measure to ensure that our products are used responsibly and in accordance with the law. By partnering with Verify My Age, we can confidently provide our customers with a secure and reliable age verification process.
    If you have any questions or concerns about the age verification process or our products, please don't hesitate to contact us at Our team is here to assist you and provide any additional information you may need.
    Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a responsible and legal vaping community.
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    £5.50 GBP

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 7 reviews
    Josh (Derby, GB)
    Great time saver

    Compared to high quality moji cotton this stuff doesn't stand a chance, but needs must when you need something that is convenient and time saving.

    Daniel (London, GB)
    Quick and easy to use

    Any 3mm coils are very quick and easy to wick with these cotton threads, takes all the hassle out of cutting and rolling the correct amount of cotton and turns it into a quick 5 second job!

    russell jones (Tottenham, GB)
    corn threads

    great product

    Dan Talbot (Ipswich, GB)

    fast time and great product

    Jonny c (Ayr, GB)
    Perfect wicking every time

    Love the lace ends saves time wiking so much quicker and easier, if to use a tank that lest you wick without having to empty the juice, you can dry fire the coils clean them up re-wick and you are back vaping in no time, no chemical taste decent thickness of cotton, a must have in the vaping tool kit!

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